Owner Information

Below you will find download links for documents related to Condominium Corporation 1122235 (River Park Glen). If you require something that is not avaliable below, please request it directly from the River Park Glen Administration office.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

This is an annual meeting for all unit owners to come together and discuss major decisions affecting the condominium corporation and elect the board of directors. A Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) report summarizing the prior year is provided to owners in advance of each AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the Information Package prepared for the 2023 AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the notice for the 2023 AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the President’s Report for the 2023 AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the Treasurer’s Report for the 2023 AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the DRAFT minutes for the 2023 AGM.

CLICK HERE to download the voting tallies for the 2023 AGM.

Board Meetings

The River Park Glen Board of Directors meets and corresponds periodically to oversee the managment and adminstration of the condominium corporation. The decisions made during these meetings are recorded in the meeting minutes.

CLICK HERE to download minutes from a circulated memo on January 23rd, 2023.

CLICK HERE to download minutes from a circulated memo on January 26th, 2023.

CLICK HERE to download minutes from a circulated memo on February 23rd, 2023.

CLICK HERE to download minutes from a circulated memo on May 25th, 2023.

CLICK HERE to download minutes from a circulated memo on June 24th, 2023.

Budget & Financial Statements

The condominium corporation prepares and distributes an annual budget for the current fiscal year, and annual financial statements for the previous fiscal year.

CLICK HERE to download the 2023 Audited Financial Statements.

CLICK HERE to download the 2024 Annual Budget Letter.

Bylaws & Rules

Bylaws govern how the condominium corporation is run and the complex is managed. As a supplement to the bylaws, specific policies have been put in in place to provide additional information regarding certain issues.

CLICK HERE to download the River Park Glen Bylaws.

CLICK HERE to download the Water Leak Policy.

CLICK HERE to download Schedule E – Rental Rules (Excerpt from River Park Glen Bylaws).

Condo Fees & Unit Factoring

Unit Factoring is used to determine a condo owner’s share of condominium contributions (fees) and voting rights.

CLICK HERE to download the 2024 Condominium Fee Listing.

CLICK HERE to download the Historical Amalgamated Unit Factor Table (includes registered unit sizes).


The condominium corporation is required to maintain insurance on the units and the common property against loss resulting from destruction or damage. This insurance does not cover improvements made to the units.

CLICK HERE to download the 2024 Insurance Certificate

CLICK HERE to download the 2024 Notification of Insurance Coverage Changes

CLICK HERE to download the latest Risk Assessment

CLICK HERE to download the Class I Standard Insurable Unit Description

CLICK HERE to download the Class II Standard Insurable Unit Description

Reserve Fund

Condominium corporations must establish and maintain a reserve fund to cover the costs of major repairs to and replacement of the corporation’s property. A physical inspection of the condominium’s property must be completed every five years and is documented in the Reserve Fund Study.

CLICK HERE to download the latest Reserve Fund Study.